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How to use the Ctx object in Yelix.


Return the HTTP response.

You can set headers with ctx.header() and set HTTP status code with ctx.status. This can also be set in ctx.text(), ctx.json() and so on.


When returning Text or HTML, it is recommended to use ctx.text() or ctx.html().

export async function GET(ctx: Ctx) {
// Set headers
ctx.header('X-Message', 'Hello!')
ctx.header('Content-Type', 'text/plain')

// Set HTTP status code

// Return the response body
return await ctx.body('Thank you for coming')

You can also write the following.

export async function GET(ctx: Ctx) {
// Return the response body
return await ctx.body('Thank you for coming', 201, {
'X-Message': 'Hello!',
'Content-Type': 'text/plain',


Render text as Content-Type:text/plain.

export async function GET(ctx: Ctx) {
return await ctx.text('Hello World!', 200)

Status code is optional and by default it is 200 but we recommend to set it explicitly for better readability.


Render JSON as Content-Type:application/json.

export async function GET(ctx: Ctx) {
return await ctx.json({ message: 'Hello World!' }, 200)

Status code is optional and by default it is 200 but we recommend to set it explicitly for better readability.


Render HTML as Content-Type:text/html.

export async function GET(ctx: Ctx) {
return await ctx.html('<h1>Hello World!</h1>', 200)

Status code is optional and by default it is 200 but we recommend to set it explicitly for better readability.


Return the Not Found Response.

export async function GET(ctx: Ctx) {
return await ctx.notFound()


Redirect to another URL. Default status code is 302.

export async function GET(ctx: Ctx) {
return await

You can also set the status code.

export async function GET(ctx: Ctx) {
return await


Get the URL path parameters.

import type { Ctx } from "jsr:@murat/yelix";

export async function GET(ctx: Ctx) {
const name = ctx.req.param('name')

return await ctx.json({ message: 'Hello World!' }, 200);

export const path = '/api/user/:name';

or all parameters at once:

import type { Ctx } from "jsr:@murat/yelix";

export async function GET(ctx: Ctx) {
const { id, comment_id } = ctx.req.param()

return await ctx.json({ message: 'Hello World!' }, 200);

export const path = '/api/posts/:id/comment/:comment_id';


Get the URL query parameters.

export async function GET(ctx: Ctx) {
// /api/hello?q=YELIX
const query = ctx.req.query('q')

return await ctx.text('Hello World!', 200)

or all parameters at once:

export async function GET(ctx: Ctx) {
// /api/hello?q=YELIX&limit=10&offset=0
const { q, limit, offset } = ctx.req.query()

return await ctx.text('Hello World!', 200)

Get the response headers.

export async function GET(ctx: Ctx) {
const userAgent = ctx.req.header('User-Agent')

return await ctx.text('Hello World!', 200)

When ctx.req.header() is called with no arguments, all keys in the returned record are lowercase.

If you want to get the value of a header with an uppercase name, use ctx.req.header("X-Foo").

// ❌ Will not work
const headerRecord = ctx.req.header()
const foo = headerRecord['X-Foo']

// ✅ Will work
const foo = ctx.req.header('X-Foo')


Parse Request body of type multipart/form-data or application/x-www-form-urlencoded

export async function GET(ctx: Ctx) {
const body = await ctx.req.parseBody();

return await ctx.text('Hello World!', 200)

parseBody(), supports the following behaviors.

Single file

export async function GET(ctx: Ctx) {
const body = await ctx.req.parseBody();
const data = body['foo'];

return await ctx.text('Hello World!', 200)

body['foo'] is always (string | File).

If multiple files are uploaded, the last one will be used.

Multiple files

export async function GET(ctx: Ctx) {
const body = await ctx.req.parseBody();
const datas = body['foo[]'];

return await ctx.text('Hello World!', 200)

body['foo[]'] is always (string | File)[].

[] postfix is required.

Multiple files with same name

export async function GET(ctx: Ctx) {
const body = await ctx.req.parseBody({ all = true });
const data = body['foo'];

return await ctx.text('Hello World!', 200)

all option is disabled by default.

  • If body['foo'] is multiple files, it will be parsed to (string | File)[].
  • If body['foo'] is single file, it will be parsed to (string | File).

Dot notation

If you set the dot option true, the return value is structured based on the dot notation.

Imagine receiving the following data:

const data = new FormData()
data.append('obj.key1', 'value1')
data.append('obj.key2', 'value2')
export async function GET(ctx: Ctx) {
const body = await ctx.req.parseBody({ dot = true });
// body is `{ obj: { key1: 'value1', key2: 'value2' } }`

return await ctx.text('Hello World!', 200)