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Tutorial Intro

Let's discover Yelix in less than 5 minutes.

Getting Started

Get started by creating a new server.

What you'll need

Generate a new server

To generate a new server, we should init before.

deno init my-app

You can type this command into Command Prompt, Powershell, Terminal, or any other integrated terminal of your code editor.

Move into the newly created directory:

cd my-app

Install Yelix

To install Yelix, run the following command:

deno add jsr:@murat/yelix

This command installs the Yelix package into your project.

Update your main file

Open the main.ts file in your project and add the following code:


import { Yelix } from "jsr:@murat/yelix";
import * as path from "jsr:@std/path@1.0.8";

async function main() {
// Port is 3030 by default
const app = new Yelix();

// Load endpoints from a 'api' folder
const currentDir = Deno.cwd();
const API_Folder = path.join(currentDir, 'api');
await app.loadEndpointsFromFolder(API_Folder);


await main();

This code imports the Yelix package and creates a new server instance. It then loads endpoints from a folder and serves the application.


Deno Deploy doesn't support loadEndpointsFromFolder method, if you want to deploy your app on Deno Deploy, you should use loadEndpoints method.

Deno Deploy doesn't access dynamic importing because of security reasons.

Create an API folder

Create a new folder named api in your project directory. Inside this folder, create a new file named hello.ts with the following content:


import type { Ctx } from "jsr:@murat/yelix";

// API endpoint handler
export async function GET(ctx: Ctx) {
return await ctx.text('Hello World!', 200);

// API endpoint configs
export const path = '/api/hello';
  • Method: GET - Taken from the function name
  • Path: /api/hello - Defined in the path variable
  • Response: Hello World! - Returned by the GET function

Start your site

Run the development server:

deno run --watch --allow-net --allow-read --allow-env main.ts
  • --watch - Automatically reloads the server when changes are made
  • --allow-net - Allows network access for serving the server
  • --allow-read - Allows file read access for loading endpoints
  • --allow-env - Checking where is deployed for Deno Deploy

Ready for you to view at http://localhost:3030/
For look wroten endpoint, visit http://localhost:3030/api/hello